Support and networking groups
Federation of Small Business
0808 2020888
customerservices@fsb.org.uk www.fsb.org.ukGatwick Diamond Business
01293 440088
info@gatwickdiamondbusiness.com www.gatwickdiamondbusiness.comSurrey Chambers of Commerce
01483 735540
info@surrey-chambers.co.uk www.surrey-chambers.co.ukBanstead Business Guild
www.bansteadbusinessguild.co.ukHorley Town Management Group
horleychamberofcommerce.co.uk/ horley-town-management-groupRedhill Business Guild
www.redhillbg.org.ukReigate Business Guild
www.reigatebusinessguild.co.ukLocal economic partnerships
Coast to Capital Local
Enterprise Partnership
01403 333840
www.coast2capital.org.ukEstablished to determine regional
economic priorities and to deliver growth
for one of Britian’s most economically
important areas.The partnership works
with private and public sectors. It takes
a strategic lead in ensuring that the
infrastructure and conditions for economic
growth are in place, and identifies
priorities and strategies.
Gatwick Diamond Initiative
01293 813950
www.gatwickdiamond.co.ukA business-led partnership with proven
commercial and economic development
experience that focuses on key, strategic
issues. The initiative works in partnership
with surrounding local authorities and
Gatwick Airport to ensure that the area
is a world-class place to live, work and
do business.
Working better together
The Council cannot support the local economy through our own actions alone.
We therefore work closely with a range of partners, so we can exert greater influence
to ensure that the contribution of this area to the regional and national economy is
recognised and rewarded.